Oakland Township to Celebrate Bicentennial with 200 Free Donuts on March 16
Two-hundred years ago on this date, Benjamin Woodworth “Uncle Ben” and William Russell “Father Russell” purchased the first parcel in Oakland Township, and it was the tenth purchase in the entire Oakland County. Together they purchased 160 acres in Section 33 where the Paint Creek runs through Dutton and Livernois Road. The two men had helped build mills with early settlers from Avon Twp., in the fall of 1818 on the Paint Creek when they must have discovered the beauty of the area. Most of the early settlements in the township followed the watersheds of Paint Creek and Stony Creek. March 16, 1819 marked the very important beginnings for the Township and we are excited to celebrate.
Why donuts? “We might as well celebrate with donuts since our history centers on our early mills, and especially our first gristmill, right in Goodison on the Paint Creek and now the location of the Paint Creek Cider Mill,” said Township Supervisor Mike Bailey. Oakland Township is home to three cider mills. The Rochester Cider Mill and the Paint Creek Cider Mill are supporting the Bicentennial and have generously donated the donuts.* Each location will provide 100 donuts for a small request from the Historic District Commission. “The donuts are free for the answer to our question – What do you love about preservation in Oakland Township? We will have a collection jar on site to gather up all the statements. So come on out with your ideas for us and have a free donut to celebrate 200 years in our historic Township,” said David Phillips, Chairman of the Historic District Commission. All the comments received will be shared at a later time on the Oakland Township website, under the Historic District Commission Page.
Paint Creek Cider Mill is located at 4480 Orion Road, and hours are 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Rochester Cider Mill is located at 5125 Rochester Road, and hours are 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to show up early to ensure that they get their free donut. Both cider mills were very excited to help in the celebrations and we hope everyone stops in to thank them for their generous donation.
Oakland Township Historical Society will also be planning festivities this year at Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District. Details can be found on the Cranberry Lake Farm Historic District Facebook Page, and the Oakland Township Historical Society Facebook Page.
*Goodison Cider Mill is seasonal and is closed at this time of year.