Dear Crabby,
Now that fall sorta feels like it’s here, I was wondering if you have a favorite cider mill you could recommend.
Paul Pomme
Dear Paul Pomme,
Gee, pal. Are you looking to get me into trouble? Michiganders take their cider mills pretty seriously and showing favoritism could cost me some fans. Then again, when have I ever cared what people think about me? While I haven’t been to every cider mill in southeast Michigan, I will tell you where you go all comes down to what you’re looking for in a cider mill experience.
Take the Goodison Cider Mill for example. It’s a little out of town, but has plenty of charm. It also has bread, pies, jams, old-fashioned candies, along with of course, donuts and cider. And apparently people lose their minds over their world-famous Pistachio Nut Bread. Who knew that would be so popular at a cider mill? Now, if you like your cider on the sweet side, I’d suggest heading over to Rochester Cider Mill. They offer a sweet apple cider full of flavor from two or more varieties of apples. To get you to keep coming back for more they also have a specialty cider that’s only available in November and December. Mrs. Crabby grabbed some for a holiday shindig last year and boy was it delicious. It’s a mixture of grape, cranberry, pear, and some secret holiday blend I spent many a night trying to figure out.
Of course, there’s Yates. And no offense because it has a wonderful petting zoo and nature trail, but since my kids are grown and my hip ain’t what it used to be, those enticements don’t hold as much appeal for me as they used to. Still, they make delicious cider and donuts and people are more than willing to fight for parking and wait in line for them. I think what I like most about cider mills is how the majority of them are family owned. Makes you feel like you’re a part of something special. Growing up in the city, we didn’t get to cider mills too often, but when we did… what a treat. I can still remember the first bite of a warm cinnamon donut washed down with a cup of cold cider. Yummy!
Now, if you want to get more info straight from an expert, a cider sommelier if you will, I’d register to hear my buddy Michael Dwyer give a talk at the Rochester Hills Public Library on Tuesday, October 10. He knows all sorts of tasty things about cider mills. I’m sure it will be fascinating, and who knows? Maybe they’ll even have some goodies for you to sample. But don’t quote me on it.
I hope you find the cider mill of your dreams. As for me, I think I’ll remind Mrs. Crabby we need to head to one soon and pick up a dozen (or two) donuts and a jug of cider.
Dear Crabby